Enter cutest multi-coloured parrot ever on window sill.
Jon: (turns head slowly, smiles at cutest bird, and waves like an idiot) MOM! COME! (Says this in a restrained shout, afraid to scare bird away)
Mom: I can't! I'm drinking orange juice!
Jon: (Flabbergasted) Forget the orange juice! Come QUICK!!!
Dad: What is it?
Jon: A bird! At the window sill! COMEEE!!
Sis: (Squeals)
Cutest Bird: (pecks at glass, looking at me with inquisitive eyes, like saying hi) Chirp!
Family gathers in room.
Mom: Aiyo! It's a parrot!!
All: So cute!!
Jon: (Smirks)Maybe it means I'll pass with 'flying colours' in exams.
Mom: (ignoring me) SOOO CUTE! Parrots worth lots of money! Let's try to catch it!
Sis: (ignoring mom) Let's feed it!
Mom: My hand full of orange juice, feed what?(Before she finishes, sis rushes out to kitchen)
Dad: We should take a picture of it
Jon: On it. (takes cam phone to snap a photo) Walao, cannot see shit la, my phone sucks.
Mom: Angie! Where are YOU?! No need crush the seeds la, by the time you come back the bird fly away already!
Sis: (arriving with seeds) How to feed it? We must slowly advance and put the seeds on the inside first. Let the birdy know it's safe.
Jon: (slaps forehead) Like that'll work... the bird probably can't even see it.
Mom: Come la, I show u. Slowly open the window first. (mom and sis mimic snail movement to window)
Cutest Bird: (Hops anxiously from one end to the other of the ledge, staring with cautious eyes).
Mom: SEE LA! FLY AWAY ALREADY! WALAO, u waste time crushing the seeds for what? If you come earlier then can already.
Jon: (Lame look) Like it really matters... still fly away in the end right?
Sis: (very sad) Aww, I should have taken a picture of it, it was so cute! (makes cute sobbing sound)
Dad: (Laughs) So cute the bird!
Exit family.
Mom: (voice echoing outside) Parrots worth lots of money wan, especially those that can talk! Should have use plastic bag man...
Jon: (shakes head)