First of all, I'd like to say I'm hungry. It's 1.03pm and my tummy has yet to carress any food (- . - what a way to start a post) -
I like to give nicknames to the things I like. I believe some of us out there love to do so as well. I feel it gives a personal touch to it and lessens the distance (perceived or actual) between the objects/people. For example, I like to call Charles Dickens 'Dicky man', and an ipod touch 'that touch touch thing'. !! I know some of you will be like, 'no way!!' But let me tell you: "WAY!" Yea, this does not only extend to books and objects, but people as well; however names will be confidential.
Jonathan: Unbelievable the things that we do, really.
Hsien: Or maybe it's just the things I do?
Jonathan: It really isn't THAT obvious, random boy
Hsien: Uhh.. thanks ah..