About Me

  • Jonathan Lee Hsien Jun is a random boy staying at Yishun.


  • <



  • being simple as it should be
    more than enough to understand
    like my permanent underwears

    Saturday, February 28, 2009

    A dinner's thought

    I watched a movie containing a quote that goes something like this "You tear me down just to make yourself feel better, because you hate yourself."
    I think this is so true, and I've seen such obnoxious behaviours myself, where the person goes all out to try and find fault and expose the defendant's bad points at every possible opportunity, whereby elevating his/her own deflated, punctured ego in a situation called social comparison. You know what I do? I've gotten tired of being irritated. Now I just laugh at such behaviour, and if they're clever enough they'll know it's a laugh of pity.

    Next up, I seriously can't believe some people's egos. They think all the girls/guys are crazy over them or something. I mean, get over yourself already. If you think you look hot in photos, let me tell you, photos are an idealised state captured to remind urself of how imperfect perfection really is. The most beautiful people are those who do not need to tell the world that they are. That will only be a pathetic attempt to salvage their lonesome, withering self-image from total alienation. (no reference to anyone, just a general thought. So if YOU, reader, happen to fall in this category, well, the truth hurts huh? But sorry for...pointing out the truth then.)

    Wooh, ok, disgusting things expelled, now, back to dinner.