About Me

  • Jonathan Lee Hsien Jun is a random boy staying at Yishun.


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  • being simple as it should be
    more than enough to understand
    like my permanent underwears

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009


    Rainy days. Looking out the window at the thin silver arrows of rain pelting down interminably, creating a scene of the heavenly archers at war with the earth. Why do we love rainy days? It evokes a sense of melancholic euphoria. When we were young, rain reduced us kids to a captive in our homes, barred behind windows only to stare forlornly at the darting arrows. Now that we're grown up, with the advent of knowledge, with the ability to think - oh that awful ability - we reminisce that captivity and compare it with the freedom we experience now - thus giving us an uplifting feeling that we have grown up and changed - when nothing has really changed afterall. This limbo - between realising the past and thinking that we've moved on, and yet not being able to move on - creates that melancholy and 'emo' feeling we get when we stare out the window on a rainy day. I can't describe it better in words already. It's just a feeling oscillating between being trapped, captive, and that of freedom. Also, looking at the uninterrupted flow of rain contributes to the fluidity of thought and imagination- enhanced by the proximity with nature that we all feel - giving a peaceful, serene, contemplative state of mind to those who lay eyes on it.

    -To know the price of everything but know the value of nothing.