About Me

  • Jonathan Lee Hsien Jun is a random boy staying at Yishun.


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  • being simple as it should be
    more than enough to understand
    like my permanent underwears

    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    a thin line between love and hate

    Is the line really that thin? Attending Jocelyn Chua's play today made a point clear - when u love someone u're irrational, idealistic, blind to any faults. When you hate someone, u're perfectly rational, to the point of being critical of the person. In a sense, 'a racist would be more rational than my mom', as quoted from the play. Ever been in between? Where one moment u love the person to bits, next moment u feel like TEARING that person to bits; perhaps that's the thin line they're talking about - emotion's fluctuations.

    The play was so intense, passionate, and intellectual. There was so much vigor in the accurate representation of the feeling at that moment, the expression, the emphatic vocal tones, and the mysterious, trance-like dances which, in repetition, only emphasized the mechanization and rigidity that society puts forth; coupled with the verging on eccentricity of action and speech, the whole feel I get is a very repressed, tormented individual struggling against society, trapped between past and present. The use of sound, or lack of, accentuates the silence of speech, subtly criticising the lack of freedom of speech - a very clever manoeuvre on the part of Jocelyn. Even the coarse scenes were only for the effect of harshly bringing us face to face with reality - that no matter where or who we are, no one gives a 'F***'.