A girl i know told me yesterday that she was 'spoilt, demanding, and selfish', and that most girls are selfish. I was surprised at her honesty and willingness to admit her own faults, and i instantly respected her. Respect, as well as trust, is earned; it doesn't occur naturally. How do some people allow others to trust them naturally? How do I allow my lover to fully trust my loyalty? How do teachers earn respect and trust from students other than by making an effort to be more self-conscious and behave properly? These never come naturally, but rather require effort to be put in to improve oneself. We can't be lazy when it comes to improvement. The fact that she can face her own problems already gives her the first level of success: recognition instead of idealisation, even though the truth hurts. The second level, improvement, should then be much easier if both parties are open and willing to hear their own faults.
Ultimately, criticizing for the sake of improvement has to be differentiated from criticizing out of hatred, mistrust, or anger. As a guy friend pointed out, most people fail to recognize this of the other party, and I agree. However, I don't want to make fleeting assumptions/accusations anymore. As Naruto anime points out, I really wish for a day where people can truly understand one another, and there exists only love without hatred. As of now, all of us, including myself, are guilty of not achieving both of the aforementioned. Sometimes anime can be so educational and meaningful lol. Dear reader, these are my inspired thoughts for today!