About Me

  • Jonathan Lee Hsien Jun is a random boy staying at Yishun.


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  • being simple as it should be
    more than enough to understand
    like my permanent underwears

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010

    Today was IPPT!! Shiong sia.. never imajinged I could be so unfit. Really need super intense training... which I am not inclined to do just for a minor additional 100bucks for getting silver medal. A pass is good enough for me, where army is concerned!! Anu... army ish a rigid organisation! IT follows the book so closely that there is no flexibility, and the planning is so inefficient that commands being passed down from one head to another leads to lots of time being wasted. As my friend said, almost everything in there can be improved/criticized. Well let's not diverge! The 2.4 run came after a 1hour wait for CAT 1 lightning risk to be over. The day before we just had a 4km route march, and my legs were aching!! Surprisingly, it was much harder to run compared to 2 weeks ago, when I still trained every alternate day... scary sia 2 weeks nv train only stamina can drop! I guess i'll just train enough to keep in shape and maintain a 58kg!!

    Running is so tiring; it is toughest on the mind. Once you lose focus, you will slow down; you have to clear your mind of all thoughts and just focus on reaching the end, pushing yourself beyond your fatigued body. It is such training that strengthens one's mind, braces it, and breeds the never say die spirit in people who have discovered it. Though my timing is nothing to boast about, and miles away from my former glory in JC, I'm still glad I managed to pass! After a shag day, batty's gona retire soon!

    Today, I'm so happy that cwabby called! I think about her everyday. I wish things didn't have to be this way. I wish things could be just like they were, and then I could spend some time with her after army. I wonder if she left me any hints/clues(something just tells me that she did... but maybe its just my over-active imagination..?) I know she's very busy right now, and guess this period of time would be good to chill. Bat one thing's for sure: if she still has hope left, then I dun mind waiting for her!

    In fact, one of my friends read batty's posts and told me that his relationship was similar to mine, in that the problems were similar. He told me about a solution that worked for him, which is whenever there was a quarrel, he would give in and be silent, however, after everyone's cooled down, she had to listen to what he had to say peacefully, and a discussion could be held for accommodation's sake. He explained that the way quarrels work is that when one's heated up, everything will just pour out just based on one sentence alone; it can be that bad he said(yes, I believe we are aware of that). So I thought this was a rather cool and controlled way of making things work! For one, it prevents any impulsive outbursts, and helps train one's restraint and tolerance. I wonder if there is such a thing as a naturally occurring relationship. According to the feedback I've gotten, and past experiences, it seems that every relationship has quarrels and needs work, else it wont be a relationship; it'll just be normal friends. If relationships appear to be smooth sailing, it just means we aren't seeing what lies beneath. It seems like Lady Venus is bent on testing how far we can go for love by making love hurt and drawing a thin line between love and hate >_< Yeap, these are the thoughts and discussions with friends in army on some days!! Now I gotta go sleep! ZZZ