About Me

  • Jonathan Lee Hsien Jun is a random boy staying at Yishun.


  • <



  • being simple as it should be
    more than enough to understand
    like my permanent underwears

    Sunday, July 25, 2010


    LMAO I MUST blog about this dream!!!!! It's almost bizzare LOLOLOLOL. Last night, I dreamt that I married her, but let me tell u how. I only remember I was at her JB house hangin around. Before that we had some ordeal or something, I can't really remember... and she got turned into a very fat woman. Everybody was saying 'but u said u loved her'. That night I made the decision that showed that true love conquered all, and agreed to marry her. Next morning... I was magically at my condo, and I came down to a huge, massive crowd at the pavilion, but strangely I was dressed in T-shirt, Bermudas, and sports shoes. I only realized I was in the wrong outfit sometime later, then I rushed back to my old house in Yishun at block 271, entered the house, only to realize I was in the wrong house!! I then rushed back to yishun emerald and changed properly... when I was about to step out of the house.. I saw my bride there... and surprisingly... as if the spell had been broken... she was her usual beautiful self again!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOL. I got woken up for lunch at about 3pm and the dream ended. HAHA. Looks like she's not the only one to get battish dreams now and then xD

    New Pokemon Black and White reveals a new BAT pokemon to replace ZUBAT!! It's called Koromori: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Koromori_(Pok%C3%A9mon) Imbat cute... now I have a new idea of how to draw bat wings!

    Koromori is a white, shaggy creature, resembling the head of a fruit bat. It has a piggish, large nose with a nostril in the shape of a heart. Its eyes are hidden behind two shaggy tufts of fur. It has a large mouth with a single fang, and two relatively small wings on either side of it.