Some people have an intense want to show that they know a lot. Some people have a need to say everything that's on their minds. What I feel is that knowledge can be attained by anyone. Wisdom however is something that is either yours, or it isn't. Do I call myself an introvert? I've come to see that talking doesn't really do the trick. Words often don't get to people who are stubborn, people who are too caught up in fact and logic, people who are so full of themselves, or people in self-denial. Words hurt unintentionally, can be misunderstood. Some people call my style of living superficial. To even address that as superficial IS being superficial. You think I've not come across logic? I've seen it and let me tell you there's nothing special about it. There's no need to be proud of being a logical person, only if you once lacked the logical faculty that much. To live life my way is to be simple, to be subdued, and to take things as they come. I don't request a lot, and I'm happy with what I have. I'm aware however of my inability to be blinded by love, and that sucks. And you come and question me about what's wrong with logic? I was too logical in the past. It brought nothing but unintentional harm to others. I can say I'm turned off by human behaviour, including my own.
Some say that if you don't knock cow sense into people, they won't wake up and realize their mistakes. I prefer from now on to let them realize it on their own. I choose to believe that somewhere in the later part of their lives they will realize it, but you tell me they won't. I cannot disagree; some people just lack that special thing called intuition. It doesn't mean if I don't talk much that I have nothing to say. It just means that I find no point in talking at times, because words ain't enough.
Meaningful quote my friend shared with me:
"Either selfishness or selflessness will destroy a person. If a soul is too selfish, thinking only of personal ends and desires, and should one live long enough, none will support him/her and many will try to tear him/her down. To survive, one must become so strong and so heartless that neither love nor affection could or would desire to reach such a person. And in the end, such a being is no longer a person, but a soulless machine.
A person who is too selfless is blown hither and yon in the gusts of others' needs, for there are always more needs than even the most charitable of humans can adress. Should a person be strong enough to address the most worthy and pressing of needs, then he/she will either bleed to death from the demands upon him/her or lose all warmth in a mechanical quest to to fulfill the world's needs. Then he/she becomes so selfless that he/she, too, is no more than a selfish soul in the quest of selflessness.
Thus, a person who would live a meaninful life must always struggle between selfishness and selflessness, always questioning. When one gives up the struggle, one allows others to determine the meaning of one's life. One may not even be aware that one has relinquished the struggle, for those others may indeed represent a belief in something one finds better and higher, and one will follow their simple rules with great relief. They may be the rules of religions, races and ethnicities. Yet we observe that most humans who give up that struggle question why life has no meaning, especially when troubles befall them."